If you want to convert your $DORA which is on Heco to ETH Chain, please read following instructions. This Tutorial also works on upcoming assets which have to cross-chain after token claimed.
Step 1: Open website chainswap.exchange, make sure there is enough ETH in your wallet which is under ETH main network. Then switch your main network to Heco, click connect wallet.
Step 2: Type in the token contract address (Heco) here, and input how much token you want to convert. Then click the button ‘DEPOSIT IN Heco’
Step 3:Click Close, and waiting for trade confirmation.
Step 4: Back to main page and read the withdraw notice on upright corner. and click ‘withdraw from ETH’
Step 5: Click connect wallet and switch to ETH network, click ‘withdraw from ETH’, then click close and back to main page read ‘notice’ upright corner. Waiting to trade confirmation.
Step 6: Add token contract number to your wallet which is on ETH network to guarantee your token into your wallet.