WeStarter(Heco) Will Launch the First Airdrop Project Demeter on September 13rd

3 min readSep 13, 2021

We’re excited to announced that WeStarter(Heco) will launch its first airdrop project Demeter (token ticker: DMT), the activity will begin on September 13rd. Demeter is a Heco-based decentralized currency market protocol. Conbining with collateralized lending and collateralized stablecoin generation, Demeter provides users with a more robust stablecoin DUSD and more secure lending service at a lower cost.

Airdrop Details:

The activity will be divided to two methods, rewards to WAR holders and whitelists. The total allocation of airdrop is 5,000 USDT. The qualified addresses will be collected from September 13rd to 16th.

WAR Holders Airdrop Details:

Allocation:2500 USDT

How to participated: The system will shoot WAR(DAO) Pool and WAR (SVIP) Pool on September 16th at 12:00 SGT. If you want to participate the activity, please stake your $WAR to the Pool. All participated addresses will be airdropped equivalent $DMT later.

Whitelisted Airdrop Details:

Allocation:2500 USDT

How to participated: Please complete the tasks and fill up this form. We will random choose 500 winners get airdrop rewards.

Getting Whitelisted (Whitelist Pool)

  • Whitelist open: September 13rd
  • Whitelist close: September 16th 22:00SGT
  • Whitelist result announce: September 17th @westarter_org and Demeter twitter account.

1️⃣Follow Demeter and WeStarter’s twitter account.

2️⃣Retweet pinned message of WeStarter twitter account Hashtag #Demeter ,Cashtag $DMT and @ three friends — https://twitter.com/westarter_org/status/1437264334229360641?s=20

3️⃣Join WeStarter Telegram Group, and WeStarter Announcement Channel and Demeter Telegram Group

4️⃣ Fill out this whitelist form

What is Demeter?

Demeter is a Heco-based decentralized currency market protocol. Conbining with collateralized lending and collateralized stablecoin generation, Demeter provides users with a more robust stablecoin DUSD and more secure lending service at a lower cost.

Demeter employs a dual token system- the first being DMT, a governance token, and the second is decentralized stablecoin DUSD. By establishing a DAO revenue pool and a DAO Treasury, DMT holders are able to participate in the governance of the platform and share its profits as the platform develops. The decentralized collateral lending system operates smoothly through supporting multi-asset (BTC/ETH/USDT/LP assets etc.) collateralized lending and the generation of DUSD through the collateralization.


Vision 1: Committed to offering a stable and widely adopted stable coin system with stable prices, including but not limited to fiat currencies such as the US dollar; better linking web2 to web3.

Vision 2: Committed to providing users with a more convenient, efficient and comprehensive lending service, establishing a decentralized stablecoin supply system through a diversified collateralized lending mechanism, a stable monetary policy, and a flexible DAO Treasury governance model. Demeter builds a distinct interest rate market based on various credit tiers, in order to address issues such as inefficient DeFi asset utilization, high borrowing costs, and capital fragmentation and so on.

Learn more about the project:


Risk Warnings:

1、Digital assets are innovative investments based on the application of blockchain technology, which have a large risk coefficient. Please make sure that you have understood and be aware of the relevant knowledge of digital assets investment before making decisions.

2、WeStarter does not recommend, guide or encourage you to invest in any project in any way. Please make sure that you make investment decisions based on independent thinking and autonomy.

3、Please make the subscription strictly on the rules of the project. If the user has any illegal operation that affects the normal operation of the activity, the project has the right to cancel the participation qualification.

Follow us on telegram:

WeStarter English Group-https://t.me/westarter_official

WeStarter Announcement Channel-https://t.me/westarter_announcement

WeStarter Chinese Group-https://t.me/westarter_chinese

WeStarter Vietnam Group-https://t.me/WeStarterVN

WeStarter Japanese Group-https://t.me/WeStarterjapanese

WeStarter Indonesia Group: https://t.me/WestarterIndonesia

WeStarter Korean Group: https://t.me/westarterkr




WeStarter is a token distribution platform based on the Heco network(Huobi eco-chain).